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Felicitare aniversara nunta/ Wedding Anniversary card

Hello everyone,

I've been asked to make a card for a wedding anniversary...:) 45 years of marriage ... wow!
It is wonderful to see that there are still couples which really spend their whole lives together, and have the chance to celebrate this.
Happy anniversary! :)

We call the 45 years of marriage the Sapphire wedding, so the theme of the card is the color blue. Here's how it turned out:


  1. Hallo Sorana,
    Wat een PRACHTIGE kaart is dit in een al bijna verloren gegane techniek.....SUPER ☺☺☺.
    Een fijn weekend toegewenst.
    Liefs Wilma

    1. Thanks Wilma for the nice words...:) I am glad you liked the card.
      Lets hope we can take a break from our busy lives and find a the time to give, little by little, these handmade techniques their glory back :)
      best regards,

  2. Hello Sorana,what a beautiful anniversary card!

  3. Ce felicitare frumoasa si eleganta! Ai dreptate, 45 de ani de casatorie inseamna ceva...

    1. Multumesc mult Mihaela, sper sa mai am ocazia sa fac felicitari pentru asa evenimente deosebite...:)

  4. Hey,

    This card is very sure the couple will really like it...

    Great Work...


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