Hello all,
Christmas is getting closer and closer so I must hurry and make some new ornaments. A few days ago I found an interesting tutorial here and I tried it out. I made a five points 3D cardtok star, embellished with some quilled mistletoe and some golden paint.
Since this is the first time I make this ornament, I am submitting it to the Christmas ornaments contest from Copilarim (Postare inscrisa in concursul "Impodobim bradul").
This star is very easy to make so I am going to include it in one of my paper craft workshops from December. I hope the participants will like making it as much as I did...:)
Christmas is getting closer and closer so I must hurry and make some new ornaments. A few days ago I found an interesting tutorial here and I tried it out. I made a five points 3D cardtok star, embellished with some quilled mistletoe and some golden paint.
Since this is the first time I make this ornament, I am submitting it to the Christmas ornaments contest from Copilarim (Postare inscrisa in concursul "Impodobim bradul").
This star is very easy to make so I am going to include it in one of my paper craft workshops from December. I hope the participants will like making it as much as I did...:)
Foarte, foarte frumoasa ! Si quillingul aplicat... Exact verdele bradului.Superb! pupici
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc mult de tot! mai urmeaza si altele numai sa apuc sa le fac...
ȘtergereCum sunt in perioada in care ma gandesc ce sa fac la doua ateliere de paper craft acum in decembrie, incerc tot felul de variante...
Sorana ce frumos ti-a iesit!!Si imi place mult si cum ai ornat-o. Ma bucur ca ni te-ai alaturat si abia astept pe 24 decembrie sa impodobim bradutul virtual:). Pana atunci iti spun bafta pentru 5 decembrie:)
RăspundețiȘtergerecu drag
multumesc mult Rux, mai urmeaza si alte ornamente...din hartie reciclata...pagini din reviste...sa vedem ce iese :)
ȘtergereInca ma gandesc ce sa fac la cele doua ateliere pe care le voi tine in decembrie.
Abia astept sa vad bradutul virtual!
Te pup!
foarte frumoasa steluta. vreau sa fac si eu una ca mi s-a deschis apetitul! :) bafta!!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc multumesc...:) In text gassesti link-ul la tutorial si sabloane...bafta! :)