Hello all,
Here's a small bowl I made from some folded magazine pages. This is my first attempt at this technique, after seeing some extraordinary bowls, boxes and photo frames in a small shop in Holland last year.
They were sooo nice! When I got back home, I searched the internet for a tutorial to get me started .Here is a link to one of them: http://savedbylovecreations.com/2011/07/recycled-paper-wall-art.html
If you like it, try it!
(This is also a fun way to get rid of the stack of old magazines we no longer need...:)...)
Here's a small bowl I made from some folded magazine pages. This is my first attempt at this technique, after seeing some extraordinary bowls, boxes and photo frames in a small shop in Holland last year.
They were sooo nice! When I got back home, I searched the internet for a tutorial to get me started .Here is a link to one of them: http://savedbylovecreations.com/2011/07/recycled-paper-wall-art.html
If you like it, try it!
(This is also a fun way to get rid of the stack of old magazines we no longer need...:)...)
Its so clever!
RăspundețiȘtergere:) You are right...whoever had the initial idea was a genious
Ștergerefoarte bine lucrat! imi place! ce diametru are?
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Cami...:)
ȘtergereAre vreo 10 cm diamteru...nu e mare... a fost mai mult o incercare...dar pentru ca a iesit destul de bine... voi incerca sa fac si obiecte mai mari.
Dr.Sona recicleaza mereu,este maestra in arta reciclarii si sincer este un lucru formidabil,dar ce faci si cu obiectele pe care le produci ?Ar trebui un muzeu pentru toate!( Eu am o cutie mare si..le strang sau le ofer)
RăspundețiȘtergereTe admir pentru inventivitate si staruinta,bolul este minunat.Cred ca si acea cruce este cu adevarat formidabila si de efect! Poate incerc si eu! Mult succes in continuare,hugs
Marea majoritate a obiectelor pe care le-am facut, au avut destinatia de cadou, insa au fost si comenzi...pe care le-am vandut...:)