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Se afișează postări din 2012

Ornamente de Craciun...ultimele de anul acesta

Atelier Braduti din reviste / Christmas trees from magazines - workshop

Buna tuturor! In 21 decembrie, la libraria  Carturesti  de pe strada Mercy, din Timisoara, impreuna cu  Incubator 107 Timisoara  am facut braduti din hartie reciclata... mai exact din reviste, asa cum ati vazut intr-una dintre postarile mele anterioare. Participantii au avut o rabdare infinita...:)) si printre canile de ceai cald si amintirile pe care le-am depanat, au pliat revistele pagina cu pagina. Iata ce-a iesit: Dupa ce am teriminat bradutul, urmeaza ornatul...                                                                                   foto: Larisa Plesca Le multumesc tuturor ca au venit si sper sa ne mai intalnim la ateliere si anul viitor! Craciun fericit!

Red and green Christmas / Craciun rosu-verde

hello all, A week ago I received my Sizzix Big Shot machine...this is the best Christmas  present I can think about...:) Then I needed some dyes and so, I decided to buy the Sizzix Sizzlits decorative Strip Die - mini paper rosettes by Tim Holtz since these rosettes make you think of snowflakes. Here are the card I made using this die: I also used some little Christmas stamps from  Do Crafts .

Quilled snowflakes / Fulgi Quilling

Hi, this is a quick post to show you the newest additions to the Christmas ornaments collection from this year... two quilled snowflakes. You can use them as Christmas tree ornaments or as card toppers.

Felicitare cu camee / Vintage cameo card

Hello, a few weeks ago I made this card for a very dear colleague and friend...a vintage cameo card. The cameo paper comes from  Stamperia  and the background from  Far Far Hill

Felicitari de Craciun 2012 / Christmas cards 2012

Hello all, Some new Christmas cards I made these days using some templates from the internet:

Bradut din hartie reciclata / Recycled paper Christmas tree

Hello, This will be a very quick post, just to show you the small Christmas tree I made from a magazine (the idea is not mine, I found the tutorial on the internet) The trick is to use a magazine with lots of pages, and to have a lot of patience...:) as you have to fold the magazine page by page. How it's done? First bring the top right corner of the page to the binding of the magazine. Then fold the page one more time to the binding. Fold like this all the pages. In the end, fold inwards the small corners that form at the bottom of each page. glue together the two covers of the magazine and you have your tree! It's that simple...:) After you finish it, you can add some glitter glue or fake snow or any other embellishment you like. Some of the pages from my tree are a little wrinkled because I had to take it to transport it in a bag...but you can get an idea about how it should look like.

Pisicile aristocrate - felicitari vintage / Have a purrrfect day - vintage cards

hello, Last week I had to make two quick cards... so I used some pre-cut elements from the Pampered Pets series  . They turned out very girly, vintage and sweet ... :)

Stea in cinci colturi / Christmas ornaments 2012 - five points star

Hello all, Christmas is getting closer and closer so I must hurry and make some new ornaments. A few days ago I found an interesting tutorial  here  and I tried it out. I made a five points 3D cardtok star, embellished with some quilled mistletoe and some golden paint. Since  this is the first time I make this ornament, I am submitting it to the Christmas ornaments contest from  Copilarim  (Postare inscrisa in concursul "Impodobim bradul"). This star is very easy to make so I am going to include it in one of my paper craft workshops from December. I hope the participants will like making it as much as I did...:)

Atelier Carturesti Timisoara / Paper craft workshop at "Carturesti" in Timisoara

Anul acesta libraria  Carturesti  sarbatoreste 12 ani de existenta...12 ani de carti, ceai si o atmosfera grozava, asa cum n-am intalnit in alta librarie... Printre evenimentele care marcheaza aceasta aniversare, s-a numarat si atelierul de paper crafts organizat de Carturesti Timisoara impreuna cu  Incubator 107 Timisoara , pe care am fost invitata sa-l tin in 22 noiembrie. Tema atelierului a fost realizarea unei felicitari de Craciun in tehnica iris folding. Ce ste iris folding? Ei bine, este un mod de a folosi fasii de hartie indoita pentru a umple o apertura facuta intr-o bucata de carton, urmarind un sablon. Pare complicat? Nu e complicat chiar deloc, insa e nevoie de rabdare...:) Iata cateva poze de la atelier : Chiar daca lumea pare foarte concentrata, sa stiti sa ne-am distrat si am avut timp sa bem un ceai si sa mai povestim cate un pic. Iata si unul dintre globuri... dupa atata taiat si lipit, in sfarsit vedem rezultatul...Acest glob e...